Tuesday 13 March 2012

Three in a row for Alastair Wareham

Three wins in as many weeks for Huddersfield fastman Alastair Wareham (Team Swift). Wareham’s latest victory was in the Malton Wheelers 10 mile event last Saturday, he clocked 22min 14sec more than 30 seconds clear of his team mate Jon Surtees in 2nd place.

Condor Road Club rider Simon Fortune, from Outlane, was first to the chequered flag in the 4th Cat race at the Tameside Season Starter event at Ashton-under-Lyne on Sunday. Despite the best efforts of the Halifax based Pedalsport CC riders to breakaway, the race came down to a bunch sprint with Fortune just getting the better of Duncan Warner (Airedale Olympic) & Kevin McCann (Liverpool Century CC) in 2nd & 3rd places.

Henry Hollyman (Kirklees Cycling Academy) was best of the local riders who competed in the CDNW Youth event at Southport on Saturday. Riding in the Under 10 category Hollyman’s best result was 4th place in the 2nd race of the day.

Former Huddersfield Star Wheeler James Sampson (Node 4-Giordana) had another strong showing in the latest CDNW event at Saighton near Chester on Sunday. The 56 mile race for Elite, 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cat riders was won by Sampson’s team mate Pete Williams.

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